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Are you ready to align your brand? This blog is going to teach you exactly the right steps to have clarity in your mission and vision. We’ll do some of the work together so that you can have a new foundation to grow your business from. Remember, the vision and mission is the key to unlocking your marketing, your offer creation, the way you do what you do.

Brand presence is key in growth, but it’s hard to create a brand without knowing the key pieces.


Key element #1: why you do what you do.

Always start with this. When we have our why, people automatically are attracted to us, drawn to us whether it’s us as a brand or us as a product.


Key element #2: how does what you do help you impact the world in a positive way?

What is the level of impact that it’s creating? And what vision do you have?


Key element #3: write out your vision and mission statements.

What message you think will make people from not a customer into a customer? What is your intrinsic magical unicorn skill set that’s going to help people go from here to here? I call it going from boring island to party island.


Key element #4: define your brand values and pillars.

This is your colors, your mood, and the general culture of your brand. Keeping these consistent is key in attracting the ideal customer for your products and services.


Key element #5: establish your goals.

You have two have two types of goals. #1 – your monetary and growth goals. #2 –  the goals you want to help your clients achieve.

So prep before you build, know your ideal client, and get the message conveyed correctly, based on your goals.


Key element #6: creating your content.

How are you speaking to your clients? This is a whole other world that we can get into in what’s called niching down and understanding your client avatar. 

What I want you to do is just embody, embody your ideal client. Who is this person? Who do you want to serve? And don’t say everybody. Really find one person who you’re like, “Man, if I could help a woman like this single mom or if I could help a man or a woman in their late 60s who their body is suffering from pain because they’re pro athletes or they were pro athletes.” 

Really embody that person so that we can create the right content that shows we can solve their problems.

Be yourself. You don’t have to create a business or a brand based upon this person who you think should be out there. Really be you. I want you to showcase your new brand, mission, and vision.


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