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Yoga Businesses: Are they BROKE businesses?

Firstly, why do people think yogis and Yoga Businesses are meant to be broke? Why is yoga known as a “broke business”? I had a really interesting conversation with one of my yoga students while I held my coffee cup. He asked if I was drinking tea. My response? No, it’s coffee.

The words that followed stuck with me when he said: “Yogis don’t drink coffee.”. Image me – jaw wide open and my witty reply just waiting to escape my lips. So many preconceived notions about what yogis are and what they aren’t.

People actually think that all Yogis should be loincloth wearing, mountain cave living hippies. Broke hippies who drive a VW van from the 70’s. Oblivious to what’s going on in the world. But this is NOT who we are!

A thought ran through my brain: The reason yoga & healing is a “broke business” is not only because people don’t recognize the daily value it brings into their lives. It’s because there is a collective thought saying yogis can’t be wealthy.

I am sure there is more BUT I am going to credit some of our belief systems to other people’s opinions of us. You know as well as I do that what we think, say and do affect everything.

We as Yogis are meant to be humble. Yes, but this collective consciousness has somehow made that to mean poor. In some cases, it can prevent the growth of a great yogi in their Yoga Business!

I know this is a bit left field, but another example to point out: When I leased my Mercedes-Benz, my long-time friend passed by and remarked “I just can’t picture you in this car.”.

Of course, I had to do it… I had to ask the big “Why”. Her answer had me reeling: “Yogis don’t drive Benzes.”



Has anyone ever told you anything that would prevent you from playing big? I get upset because if more yogis were wealthy, the world would be a much better place.

If yogis held positions of influence, there would be less wars and damage to the environment. There would be more social awareness, more hugs, more presence… Do I need to go on?

If everyone out there changed their negative mindset on why yogis are “meant” to be broke, humble, unattached to material things… All of us would rise to be more affluent. Being humble doesn’t mean not being able to pay rent. Being unattached doesn’t mean not being able to have a luxury item. It means that not having that wouldn’t make you upset.

The point of any business, even Yoga Businesses, is so that you can help others while making a living for yourself.

Having money is a blessing because of all it allows you to do. After all we teach on the principles of abundance. Buying expensive cars without donating to a cause is not the basic principles or values of a yogi. Being able to buy the more expensive, local organic produce from your local farmer’s market is a good thing and shouldn’t be a sacrifice or seen as “luxury” living.


Finally it’s time for us to be leaders and manifest the abundance we teach others is there to make this world a better place. A place where it is energy rich, aware, kind, caring and full of love.

Healing the spirit, mind and body through yoga is a priceless gift that oftentimes is undervalued, but doesn’t mean it’s free either.

Now, think about it: The more we’re able to make a decent living WHILE having an impact on our surroundings through breath, spirit and light, the more we’re able to give back. It’s the gift that keeps giving.


That’s my tagline for Bizzy Yogi. Be the best person you can be, so you can create your dreams through a brand and business you love, so that you can inspire others to be the best version of themselves.



Like this post? Share it, get the word out, be part of the movement! The movement that doesn’t just set Yogis free of this misconception, but allows the whole world know who we are and who we’re NOT!

If you’re a Yoga Teacher and you’re considering opening your own studio OR if you currently have your own Yoga Studio, read this NOW >>> Why You Shouldn’t Open A Yoga Studio… Without Doing This FIRST!


P.S. I want to answer your questions! I do my best to provide the most helpful information I can, but I want to take that to the next level! Ask me your questions below and I’ll answer it in my weekly emails or on FB Live and give you a shoutout! **You can also remain anonymous by typing *anonymous* at the end of your question so we don’t give you a shoutout!


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