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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NK1FgO_O18″ el_width=”90″ align=”center”][vc_column_text]Yup, this is what us in the wellness industry are subject to. Yoga teacher, waitress, massage therapist, receptionist… you name it. How has it turned into such a rat race? At the end of the day aren’t we just trying to help people?

Over the last decade there has been a surge of yoga teacher, holistic coaches, fitness experts that are all trying to make it doing what they love. But why is it so hard to make good money?

I have friends who teach 30 classes a week! This is insane when you think about your physical limitations of training, teaching, adjusting… the list goes on.

How can we create abundance without losing ourselves in the hustle? 35% of millennials have a side jobs according to Forbes Magazine. Either the system is set up that living expenses vs debt and wages aren’t even, or we are getting paid too little for what we do.

When I started teaching yoga, I was 25 and had 3 other jobs. I was a graphic designer, photography assistant and yoga teacher on the side. It took me about 3 years to shift this into yoga teacher and graphic designer on the side. We all have these double lives as we don’t go to college to become yoga teachers or fitness instructors. We choose to do a teacher training for many reasons, but the main ones being unhappiness in our status quo or wanting to fill a gap in our spiritual and daily lives. For me it was both.

Working in advertising or having 10 hour long photoshoots wasn’t my idea of success and had no value at the end of the day. What was my legacy to the world? How did I allow myself to feel complacent in creating for others?

Here are some answers on HOW you can earn doing what you love!

  • Have you decided on what it is you are most passionate about offering? Is there a training you did that makes you stand out?
  • What is your most UNIQUE quality? (and be really specific here!)
  • How can you use your time wisely so there is no burn out?
  • Have you started an email list? If so, how often do you connect with your readers?
  • Do you have goals? Have you written them down?
  • What does your resume look like? If it needs a re-write, go for it! Make sure you keep yourself up to date.
  • As a wellness practitioner you are in the service industry. Read up about your opportunities from people who are already doing it! Those who’ve been there done that.
  • Get a mentor! This is so valuable I can’t even begin. This is probably one of the reasons why I am successful.
  • Make sure you are ethical and professional ALWAYS! There is nothing like losing clout and getting coined as the “flakey yogi”.


After all we are all on the same boat. We all have desires, dreams, ambitions and a higher purpose. We have spouses, families, pets, bills and such that we need to take care of. So if having a side hustle is still the way to go, keep doing it until you can shift your focus and attention directly to what you want. (by the way I still work on my photography stuff… but why? CA– USE I LOVE IT!)


Let’s chat to see how we can grow your vision, your passion, create a brand you love with consciousness and let the hustle work for you!


Arianne Om[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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