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There are three essential tools that you need in order to create great content that can show you off as the expert, so you can help your potential clients get the results they’re in need of.

In this blog, you’re going to learn exactly what these tools are, how to use them, and why they help maximize your time so you don’t get sucked into tech land.

Tool #1: The Voice Memo App: You don’t have to be sitting in front of your computer if you have a great idea – you can whip out your phone!

Any time you have thoughts that you haven’t had the chance to write down, grab the voice memo app and record exactly what it is.

If you received a download during meditation, or if you had a meaningful conversation that sparked an idea – don’t forget the value of this resource in your pocket.

The second way you can use your voice memo app is to get professional audio while you’re recording a video.

This is a little-known hack that can improve the audio quality of your videos and even help you to repurpose your content into a podcast!


Tool #2: The InShot App: Use this app to edit your videos in a super easy way.

Not only is it quick, but it also has really cool features like stickers, filters and music.


Tool #3: Later: This is the app I use for scheduling on social media.

This helps you to not feel like you’re constantly in the hustle and bustle of social media, and you can feel at ease about your content for the week so you can focus on engaging with people on social media more.


Tool #4: Canva: This is hands-down the best tool for creating the graphics you need for your social media, branding materials, client materials, freebies, video editing, and so much more.


Tool #5: A CRM that brings is all together: Now that you know how to use tools to generate content, you can’t forget that you also need to find a provider for your landing page creation, email sending, and customer relationship management.

My tool of choice is HighLevel. With this system, I can build my landing pages, send emails, SMS messages, and even create pipelines for my potential leads all in one place.

Click here to start your free trial.

All in all, the tools you are using for your business mean nothing if you don’t have a strategy in place for executing on them in a thoughtful way. Make sure you have daily accountability towards your execution of your strategy so you can achieve meaningful goals for yourself and your business.


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