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Today we are going over the eight pillars of a profitable online business and how they work together. 

So most of you know, maybe you didn’t, but I’ve been a yoga teacher for almost 20 years. And why is this important? Because yoga means union. So everything in the way that you show up online to the webinar that you create, or sales page that you write, or the email that you send all has to have cohesion. They all need to speak to each other in a way that is very much not only aligned, but in order sequential.

So let’s dive into what these are, and how they can help your business!

Pillar #1: Visibility

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – social media. 

Everybody consumes some sort of social media, so this is where we can begin to work  on the visibility aspect of your business.

Why is social media gonna help us be profitable? Well, first of all, you are an expert service provider. You are really good at what you do, and probably really enjoy doing it. And this is exactly what we wanna highlight when you’re visible on these channels.

Second of all, it’s free! If I go live today, I can reach hundreds of people, potentially even thousands of people. If I make a reel or TikTok, I can reach thousands of people for free. I also have a group of over 600 people. I have a friend list of 5,000 people. These are all people that know who I am, what I do, and how I do it. Not every single one of these people is a buyer, but they might refer you. 

By working on your social media visibility over time, you can show off your credibility, build trust, share your expertise, support people, and connect with them. And the more that we do this, the quicker it’s gonna be to overcome object, objections and obstacles of why people should work with you.

Pillar #2: Lead Generation

If you’re just leaving people on Instagram or on Facebook or on TikTok, and there’s no next steps for them to take, then you are essentially creating content for nothing. So we wanna be able to guide people on their next steps, which means that you wanna have a lead generation strategy in place to successfully move potential customers from visibility to action.

For example, today, I was talking to my client about how we’re gonna be growing her email list. And there’s a rule of thumb that I work with with all my client is grow your email list as often as possible with quality amazing people. 

We then have this great opportunity to now collect data, communicating consistently with your potential buyers, which ultimately creates opportunities to grow your business.

So how do we do this? We create lead generation pages which can typically be free resources like a guided meditation, ebook, challenges, a quiz, templates, and so much more.

We’re not giving away the, the, the farm here, but we are giving away enough to create an emotional response to wow them and show off our unique genius! 

You might think, “they’re just giving us their email.” But then we’re creating backend strategies to support the growth and connection you need to be able to turn them from an audience member to a paying client.

Pillar #3: Sales Page

A sales page is a way of selling your program, course, product, service, or even retreat. It’s a page that’s designed in a specific way to give people the opportunity to work with you.

There’s very specific ways that we write the sales page, but number one, it’s very heart driven and emotionally centered.

The idea behind this is that if I connect with you on an emotional level through my writing or a video on the sales page, then we are opening up the opportunity for people to be committed to their growth, to their transformation. And we are the vehicle. We have to speak from a place where our program, our course, our coaching is their way to get there faster, and ultimately get there in the most supported way. 

Pillar #4: Connection

Number one is what are you selling? What are your services? What are your products? How are you selling them? How are you marketing? And how you’re selling them is related to how you’re connecting with people. 

All of these pillars are a part of a beautiful cycle of us working diligently consistently to develop trust, to develop connection, to ultimately generate revenue.

Whether you’re creating a webinar, hosting an info session, giving a live class or presentation – we have to create opportunities for 1:1 engagement where we can help our potential clients connect on a deeper level with us so we can give them a more profound transformation by working with us.

Once we start growing our email list, we email people consistently with content that we’ve created for our social media, our YouTube, you see, this is all turning into a nice, beautiful cycle. 


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