12 Ways to Find Joy

12 Ways to Find Joy

I had the pleasure of writing for Better Homes and Gardens about how to find joy along some amazing contributors (like one of my wellness heroes Dr Josh Axe – wow!).

We shared some great tips on maintaining joy and creating it where you might not think of. To read more CLICK HERE but I will post my excerpt for you as well.

better homes and gardens

4. Write to a Loved One

You don’t have to be Shakespeare to pen a pretty poem. And you don’t have to be in a relationship to scribble a love letter. Arianne Traverso, a holistic lifestyle and business coach, says the act of writing to someone you care about—partner, friend, or family member—helps you to slow down and focus on the here and now. What do you admire about them? What have they brought to your life? Why are you so thrilled to have met them? Think of someone you were friends with or still are but don’t get to see or speak to often. She says this creates a deeper connection as you know when that person opens the letter they will feel joy, which in turn, brings you joy, too.

There are so many ways to smile, appreciate at love life more that we often forget about because we get so busy. I would love to be a source of happiness and inspiration so please reach out or join some of my local and online events.

Joy, wellness and happiness is one om, one meditation and one healthy decision away. 

I’m always here to support and guide so check out some of my free meditation resources HERE.

See you soon~



Practical Tips for Boosting Your Yoga Practice


Practical Tips for Boosting Your Yoga Practice

If you’ve been practicing yoga for a while and have become completely comfortable in class, you’re likely at the intermediate level. While there are surely benefits to continuing your yoga practice at this level, chances are you’re finding it more difficult to stay as motivated as you once were. If this describes you, you may be ready to kick your yoga practice up a notch.

One of the great things about yoga is that there are many levels you can explore. And the more advanced your practice, the greater the benefits. However, it’s not as simple as attempting harder poses and holding them for longer periods of time. If you truly want to boost your yoga experience, you’ll need to take some other steps and maybe incorporate a few tools and some tech along the way. Here are some tips to help get you started.

Use Your Phone

You can take advantage of technology in your yoga practice by downloading a yoga app for your phone. The right apps can give you access to several features, such as workout plans and step-by-step instructions for various movements through video and audio. This makes it easy to follow along with challenging yoga sessions and learn new poses.

If you use your phone, however, it’s important to keep it in a case to protect it from sweat and water spills — whether you’re practicing to an app or have it by your side in a hot yoga class. LifeProof, for instance, offers some of the best waterproof cases because it can protect your phone while also leaving easy access to your ports, buttons, and screen. These cases also offer a one-year protection plan should your phone suffer any accidental water damage.


Find a Teacher Who Challenges You

As in any area in life, finding a great teacher can do wonders for your yoga practice. The ideal yoga teacher won’t be afraid to push you when you need it but will do so in an encouraging way. After all, yoga is supposed to be relaxing. So, while you want to be challenged, make sure you resonate with your teacher as well. Your teacher should also be dedicated and attentive, and they should check in with you before and after class to discuss any injuries, ailments, and so on.

Make Space to Practice at Home

One way to help set yourself up to practice consistently is by carving out a yoga space at home. Particularly on extra busy days, it may be more practical for you to practice at home than it is to go to class at a studio. Here are some characteristics to keep in mind for your yoga space:

  • Hardwood or tile floors with the appropriate mat

  • Natural light and soft mood lighting

  • Incense, essential oils or candles

  • Pillows (for a yoga prop and meditation cushion)

  • Indoor plants

Whether you set up shop in a whole room or in the corner of a room, make sure you have space to practice comfortably and try to create an area where there will be minimal traffic.

Sign Up for Workshops

While practicing at home is great, don’t limit yourself to practicing only at home. Consider going to yoga workshops that can expose you to new styles and philosophies. Teachers at workshops typically have more time to cover their material in depth, whether it’s poses, meditation, pranayama, or any other topics. Plus, you get to network with other people who love yoga.

Stepping up your yoga game will yield even greater rewards than you enjoy now. Remember to find a yoga app that works well for you, and get a good waterproof case to protect your phone. Find a solid teacher, and create a comfortable yoga space at home that has everything you need. Lastly, consider going to workshops to deepen your learning and technique. As you start to intensify your yoga experience, you’ll likely notice a fresh motivation to reach new heights.

Photo Credit: Burst

written by: Sheila Johnson – ZENthusiast – wellsheila.net

Increased Income – Yes Please!

Yay For Increased Income!

It wasn’t too long ago when I believed payroll was only for “successful people”. For those who were making “real money”.

Side note: Can you see where none of the above statements even make sense?

These were all illusions I had set up because of comparisons to others who I assumed made so much more money than I, who were living more grandiose and who obviously could afford to pay themselves a salary.

I thought, keep all the money in my business account and pay myself as little as possible JUST IN CASE.

Just in case what? What was I setting myself up for? Failure?

So here let’s all say “Yes Please!” to increased income.

[button link=”https://calendly.com/ariom/deep-dive-bizzy-time” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] SCHEDULE YOU CALL HERE[/button]

The Reality

Here’s the deal. Now that you and I are professional adults as I like to call it, this is why and how I tripled my salary in just a few short months.

  1. I wanted to settle down and buy a house
  2. I wanted to start investing my money into other things
  3. I asked the “successful people” what they did

Big realization was that I was limiting myself massively on item 1 because no one would lend me money since I earned “so little”. I was also telling the universe that I didn’t need to earn a lot of money because I lived simply. I also wasn’t building up my credit or giving myself cushion to start an IRA, invest or do anything else with my money. It is all about increased income and opening the doors for it to flow in from clients into your business and from your business into your life.

I created an abundance mantra for you:

abundance mantra

The Result

I decided to triple my payroll salary and see what happened. Let me tell you – magic. I realized I was scared in the beginning but once I started the 3x everything fell into place. The fear left because I welcomed more clients into my life and saw more abundance via income to support the pay increase. Also I was able to get a better loan for my home which SAVED me money in the long run and started a chunkier savings account that made money FOR me as well as an IRA for my retirement.

I also felt PROUD of myself for not thinking small and limiting myself. Once I committed to saying – money generates more money I was able to feel really abundant and help my clients from a place of growth vs limits.

The Challenge

Here’s my ask of you- notice how much you pay yourself monthly – is it worth your value? Is is just enough or is it party time in your bank? Do you leave all your money in your business account just in case you need to cover expenses or can you trust yourself and the universe to be bigger and more affluent? Can you commit to 2x your salary or even more? And with this extra income, can you commit to sharing it via a donation (whether big or small) or even crazier, treat yourself to something nice?

Let’s all increase our worth and increase our salaries to show 2020 who’s in charge – the ever expansive universe who wants us to be ever expansive and abundant!

Also this is an invite to jump on a strategy session with me if you want to invite growth in life and biz – SCHEDULE YOUR CALL HERE (usually $297) for $97.


[button link=”https://calendly.com/ariom/deep-dive-bizzy-time” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] SCHEDULE YOU CALL HERE[/button]

What Does It Mean To Be Independent

To be independent. This word INDEPENDENT I feel gets used often and thrown around a bit. What does it really mean?

I write from this from England on the day the United States celebrates it’s independence from England which made me think quite a bit.

As humans we love independence. We love freedom. We long for making our own decisions and not be dependent on others for our livelihood.

Not only that, but as creative and holistic entrepreneurs we are drawn to be completely on our own, leading our businesses, creating our schedule and having the life we want because being independent is a top value we hold dearly.

What happens when you loose freedom and independence? How do you feel?

This word and feeling is something hundreds and thousands of people have lost their lives for. Who have given everything to be free.

What does this mean in your life and business? As you know to me as an entrepreneur they go hand in hand.

Freedom To Create

Having freedom to create is a gift that makes us human and those of us with ideas that want to be seen and heard are constantly on the search of how to get those ideas out and express.

This is why many of us turn to be instructors, coaches, creative entrepreneurs. Because of this calling to be independent to express and share.

What happens sometimes is that we are stuck not knowing what to do or how to do it so that our essence of freedom, liberty and independence is stifled under how to make this lifestyle and underlying value work. By the way, this is when most people call me asking for help and advice.

Dependently Independent

So knowing we are on this lifelong search for freedom and being independent, do you feel like you’re dependent on others to achieve your independence.

Let’s name some ways we are independent:

  • Financially independent – This is a dream come true for many of us yet we are dependent on clients (unless you’re a trust fund baby) to pay us to achieve this.
  • Relationship independent – If we’re married or single we’re dependent on others affection to fill this area of our lives.
  • Religious independent – This is a trickier one because many people do not have this freedom. But many are dependent on religion to serve as a backbone for their lives.

As the Huff Post states there are 2 types of independence and one is being free with rules. They used this quote “Any yachtsman knows,” he replied, “that in order to enjoy the freedom of the high seas, one must become a slave to the compass.”

So in order to have freedom and independence we are subject to being connected and tied to other circumstances to achieve the ultimate freedom.

Why This Matters

At the end of it all, your independence should make you feel happy, satisfied, proud and fulfilled. Whether it’s attached to others (like clients, income, spouses, and then some).

If you are not vibing where you are right now, if you feel stifled, over dependent or not connected to your highest self ideals, I invite you to do something.

First take time to make a call with me then check out my last post about the 9 Environments and do the wheel and the exercise.

Lastly, create a vision board of what it means to be independent to you, regardless of your external situations.

I leave you with a quote from Cicero: “What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes.”

Always big hugs and thank you!!!

Arianne xoxo

How To Master The 9 Environments

Mastering Your Inner & Outer 9 Environments

What are these 9 environments I speak of? They are basically a roadmap of your life that show you exactly where you’re at in the process of moving towards your goals in life, career, spirituality, etc…

This was created by my mentor Jim Bunch who I did one of my trainings with. When I did this exercise I was blown away at the exact picture and roadmap that existed and I wanted to create.

Maybe you’ve seen the wheel of life before? Well this to me surpasses it. I actually created a mini course on it for you! Click Here to check it out!

I use it in my coaching programs often because it’s a great assessment tool. Since I work with the 4 A Method (Assess, Align, Activation & Accountability) it’s the 1st step towards harnessing your ideal life map.

How do we do this? Click here and download the wheel and go through it with where you’re at NOW.

Put numbers (1 being low and 10 highest) of where you’re at in each section of your life.


What To Do With The 9 Environments Next

Now that you have quantified your life, don’t use this to see where you’re not excelling but what you want to choose to work towards. And life isn’t all 10’s. For example if you are single and you see the relationships area, don’t put a 2… look at ALL your relationships. Maybe you have the most amazing friends and support system out there.

Don’t go into the worst place and score yourself based on that (and you know how easy it is to do that).

Next, design a plan for what you will do to move out of the lower numbers and into the higher. Again, if you’re a 3 don’t set 10 as your next level – start with small wins!

If you want more help with this, make a moment to chat with me HERE as I know it’s nice to have an outside view. This is also something I do as part of my 1-1 coaching as I know how important it is to have your life map created with a game plan.

As always, I am here to serve and have this work be fun and exciting for you and me.

5 Tips To Keep You Motivated

Stay motivated. keep moving. inspire
Stay motivated. keep moving. inspire

Want to keep motivated?

This is exactly what we will cover today because it sometimes feels daunting to always be moving in a direction… motivation sometimes just isn’t there right? And when shit hits the fan, how do you stay motivated?

I am excited and motivated about getting back to my blogging.

So many shifts in my life that kept me from stepping back into my zone of magic and one of those was actually not finding motivation.

This is all about motivation today. The 5 tips to keep yourself going.

How to keep moving forward when you just feel like you can’t

Well what if I told you one of the easiest ways is to actually stop sometimes.

I have an awesome chat group with some fellow master minders and today’s chat was all about being lazy.

Why is being lazy so important to keep you motivated?

  1. You become an efficient and effective producer. These are 2 very different concepts by the way. Being efficient isn’t always being effective, so put the 2 together and you are an accomplishment machine!

  2. Procrastinate! In my online course I teach all about using tools to be an effective procrastinator. Now this doesn’t mean waiting until the last minute and getting all stressed out about it. It means using the essence of it and setting a deadline!

  3. Community. Being motivated when you are alone sometimes is so hard. This morning I even woke up with sadness and frustration and 1st thing I did (after letting myself wallow for a few minutes) was call a friend. And the result is we are setting some time apart to work together and get some shit done.

  4. Set boundaries on what you invest in. I should also say who. By creating a NO answer you curate time for yourself to focus on what makes you happy. You stop moving your energy horizontally and move in deeper into your self and your goals.

  5. Be the clever self you are. Give yourself a pat on the back and say thank you for being clever and discerning. In Sanskrit buddhi, which means intellect, holds discernment as a quality that refers to the higher mind This is the observer that watches how our inner world works and makes decisions of what’s important (or not important.

Let me tell you a story of how my client chose to motivate vs give up.

I’m sitting helping my client create her training manual and sales page for her training she’s putting out. I suddenly see the smile disappear from her face.

She looks up and says I can’t do this.

I see the frustration in her eyes.

I know this feeling because I have been there many times.

What happens I say if you don’t do this training? What happens if you actually launch it and it’s successful?

Sometimes being an entrepreneur and a self starter gets really really hard. It’s not always easy.

But you know what her answer was… “If I don’t do this then the people who would take my training wouldn’t get this new modality to teach”

And then what if they don’t?

“Then students won’t get to take my awesome classes all over the city… AND I’ve disappointed myself with ALL the hard work I’ve already put in”.

Close your eyes and picture 1 thing that motivates you!

Let that be your one thing. Your one reason for not stopping. It can be completely self-less or maybe a bit self-fish. And that’s OK!

Paying off your credit card debt is what motivates you… perfect.

Going on a vacation for the 1st time in 3 years is your motivation… perfect.

Donating to save the elephants is your driver… perfect.

And always don’t forget to meditate as whether it’s anger, frustration, fear or all the other things, meditation will keep you grounded. 🙂

Just put your best foot forward and go.

The world is waiting for you.

How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays

Healthy Holiday Habits

You know it’s coming. The holidays are almost here and all the emotions arise!

Parties to plan or attend, planes to catch and endless work and family gatherings. Also, lots of other emotions rise up that include joy, excitements but also sadness, grief, and loneliness.

My grandpa passed away on December 24 so it’s a time for my family to hold his presence dearly.

There are some ways though to stay in your good vibe and not letting it all get to you.

Restorative Yoga

A restorative yoga sequence typically involves only five or six poses, supported by props that allow you to completely relax and rest. Held for 5 minutes or more, restorative poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle backbends. Most restorative practices are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. As described by Yoga Journal.

This can help the nerves settle, more time to be a little gentler and slower.


Try some good cardio to get the blood pumping, the body moving and the heart racing! This is what will help things really move inside and give you energy! I love to mix a good cardio and strength building routine with yoga. Mind and body full power!

Essential Oils

Introducing a simple lavender diffused in the air is great, but what about creating a wellness routine with DoTerra Essential Oils. The high grade of therapeutic certification allow some oils to be ingested like Frankincense (the bonus oil of the month!)

It’s soothing and beautifying properties are used to rejuvenate skin and help reduce the appearance of imperfections when applied topically. As the king of oils, Frankincense is known to support healthy cellular, immune, nervous, and digestive function when used internally.* When inhaled or diffused, Frankincense promotes feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness.


Inhale a drop each of Frankincense and Lavender to calm nerves, anxious feelings, and promote a calm and relaxed mood.

At the end of the day, it’s important to reflect and be super grateful for what we have. These practices support you and keep you connected to your center.

If you have to host a party (like I do this year) be happy you get to have those who love you around!







I always love hearing from you – share with me what your holiday plans are!!!

PS: If you ever have questions about these practices or have a session, please book your complementary health assessment here.


The Power Of Essential Oils… I get personal.


The Power Of Essential Oils

Here’s a the journey of how I healed and moved to being a believer in essential oils and yes I get a bit personal here.

I’ve used essential oils for years. Diffuse here, put in my cleaning products to be toxic free but I never really knew the power until I had my why essential oils moment. It’s not a story I share often but since I feel it’s so powerful I think it will resonate.

End of June this year was the worst month of my life. I’m not kidding.

I learned many lessons after this I’ll speak about in a moment.

What happened?

It was a very tense Monday night as I knew something wasn’t right with Pinky (my 14 year old Vizsla fur child). She had been acting pretty listless, more aloof and quiet than ever. I knew there was something wrong, that there was something big happening inside her soul.

Pinky had been my doggie companion for over 14 years. My soul mate, sister, child and sometimes mother. She was THE BEST DOG EVER. Famous in Miami Beach and loved by so many.

She was sick and her days were numbered but I wasn’t prepared for it. Yet I knew it and looked into her sad old eyes and told her “It’s OK. You can go to sleep now and I’ll be OK.”

The next morning you can imagine I woke up to a forever sleeping Pink The Vizsla. With a heavy heart we parted physical ways and I know she is still here with me.

Same week…

3 days later, in a haze of sadness and intermittent tears, as I worked on my computer during a normal day I suddenly felt a rush of warmth in my pants.

I thought I peed on myself or something as I wasn’t supposed to get my period and if so it was a lot of blood. (Sorry for the squeamish).

Having a mini freak out moment, called 2 doctors who said they couldn’t see me (frustration overload) I got myself up and drove straight to the urgent care where I found out I was pregnant… or was pregnant as heavy bleeding is a sign of something gone wrong.


What did I do? Called Marcel (my husband) like 75 times hoping he would get signal while fishing in the middle of the ocean. Then called my best friend and my mom.

I’m a strong girl. I’m used to weird medical things happening as I was born with an 1 in a million immune system issue called cyclic neutropenia. Since I was little I was used to doctors, hospitals, spinal taps and then some – independent and physically and emotional strong.

The stress was real and it was taking a toll by the minute.

I wasn’t prepared for this.

I went home in total disarray to lay in bed and cry and to basically experience a miscarriage. The pain was real. My body was having contractions, releasing what was inside. I don’t want to get too graphic but you can imagine the scene.

My friend Alina rushed right over and proceeded to cover me in essential oils. Vetiver to relax, Frankincense to help me meditate, Clary Calm for woman support, Peppermint for the nausea I was experiencing, Lavender to soothe. She pulled out all the stops. It was an apothecary of therapeutic oils on my body, in the air and in my system.

This all helped so much but wasn’t enough. 4 hours into the pain she made me a pill called the morphine bomb of essential oils. Lemongrass, Frankincense & Oregano DoTerra Essential Oils.

The pain vanished in 10 minutes. The contractions of turbulent waves went to soft waves and I could breathe again and actually stand without doubling over.

30 minutes later I was asleep and pain free to rest and recover from the experience.

Why I Believe

Now can you see why I went from being a casual user of essential oils to a hard core believer? I kept researching the other benefits, the possibilities to move into a more holistic lifestyle and started using oregano oil on staph infections, melaleuca on a little wart and skin tag & a little fungus on my foot. I use ylang ylang, roman chamomile and lavender at night to actually sleep and rest the entire night without waking up.

The possibilities are endless and I am excited to share them with you! Let’s increase our vitality and natural living. Join me on my journey as I join you on yours discovering the power of essential oils and healthy alternatives!

Learn more about the oils on my personal site HERE.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The story of how it all started

Story Time!

Why Bizzy Yogi Started

I had a great convo yesterday with a potential client and she asked me – Ari I’m seeing so much of your stuff lately and wondering what you’re doing exactly. I’d like to tell you a story so you get to know me… and here’s the cool thing – I’m going to ask you the same! Let me know how you started your journey into doing what you do and why you do it.
I loved this question and it made me giggle in a great way. I’ve worn so many hats in this small human experience that I can see how one can ask this question. Not only that but I feel it’s important to share our story as it helps us see clearly once again where we are in life!
Reinventions are part of life. Transform into your next vision of you and how you want to lead your life. That’s exactly how this story begins
2 years ago there was an AHA moment when I was the owner of Trio Yoga when I realized I wasn’t playing to my own strengths or life goals. I was stuck inside a studio almost 7 days a week and feeling a bit miserable amongst the amazing community… no one really knew this but it was so. Depressed. Lonely. Un-Inspired.
What did happen (my aha moment) is that I re-kindled my entrepreneurial bug I was born with. It sparked the I WANT MORE LEADERSHIP! It was a bit shocking because I had been this laissez faire yogi traveling the world teaching, doing what I wanted, when I wanted and never had huge responsibilities other than making sure I was on time and taught a damn good class. I wanted to leave a mark that was bigger than 4 walls.

Have you ever felt that?

2 years ago Bizzy Yogi was born. My life changed forever. I finally allowed my brain to expand where it had never gone before as I had set limits and a useless story around WHO I was. It was how I could step up and create waves and make ripples that played in a larger way. By the way, this was some scary shit!
Fast forward to now.
What do I do?
Give ideas to you who are stuck in HOW.
Create a plan to you who love to follow a path.
Provide a color by number book of your business and brand.
Align your ideas to execution, hold you accountable for doing them and keep bringing clarity and truth to the foreground while slicing doubt away like a ninja.

And Yes, This Story Also Deals With Yoga.

Samkya Philosophy for example. It’s a duality that can’t exist without the essence of working together. You have the witness and the doer. Consciousness with nature.
This is life and business. It’s the story I’ve written for how I work with my clients and really the basis for life. Why I created Yogi Hearts, Business Minds group on Facebook. Because it’s ALL ONE to me.
So see what’s really cool is I teach business and yoga with this ancient philosophy. After teaching Yoga & AcroYoga for close to 15 years I realize that it’s all the foundations you need to create and build your new iteration of you. I said to a student yesterday to change the position of her foot in triangle pose, she asked why… I said cause it affects the ENTIRE pose.
Yoga is the foundation of life. Asana is the seat. Poses are how you maintain strength and stability. Breath keeps you alive and fluid. Meditation provides clarity and space.
In business it’s the exact same process. Desire of your life is yoga. The idea is the foundation mixed in with values is the seat. The strategy is the asana which leads to action to keep the business alive (breath) and the meditation is being in flow connected to your higher vision.
I help you re-write your story according to this formula which keeps things so simple and yet can go so deep!

So whether you’re looking to re-align your business or your life, follow the steps above!

It’s almost as easy as 1-2-3. I’m so glad my client asked what I do! I help formulate how the above makes sense in your life and in your business. I see the truth and clarity behind it all with love and spirit as the basis for a new version of your desires turned into actions, sustained by a clear path.


Always if you need anything… I’m a click away HERE 🙂

Yoga Is For Everyone, Every Color, Every Gender, Every Age

I know that there is a certain “sterotype” in the United States when it comes to Yoga. When you think Yoga, what do you think of?

Chances are, you’re thinking about a young, fit, blond, model-looking person doing poses in a gym. On a Yoga mat. You might have even thought of California.

That’s the stereotype that we often see, however, that’s not the real Yoga at all.

Yoga is for everyone, of every color and every background, for every gender, and can be done at all ages.

Cobble Hill, Brooklyn was once a diverse neighborhood.

In the last several decades, the demographic of the neighborhood residents has changed drastically, however.

While it may be less apparent when walking down the street—because many immigrants and minorities still frequent this neighborhood to go to work as nannies, restaurant, and other local business staff—the reality of gentrification’s transformation of this neighborhood is remarkable when you enter one of the neighborhood schools to teach yoga and mindfulness there, like I do.

Of the six classes in which I teach over 150 children, I have counted a mere three African American girls and one African American boy in this beloved and fully resourced neighborhood public school. This year, I discovered there is at least one Indian girl as well, though from her presenting features, she could be Middle Eastern, Latin American, or even Native American, if I had to guess.


On my third day of classes at this new site, I had been gifted with a kid’s yoga book called We Are All One by one of my students, whose mother happens to be the book’s illustrator. It is a great little story, full of colorful children playfully and harmoniously exploring yoga together.


On the day I brought We Are All One to read to this mostly homogeneous community school in Brooklyn, the irony of the actual circumstances of many New York neighborhoods—that are in a state of gentrification and fall short of such intentions like community, equity, and justice—was not lost on me as I read these opening sentences:

“Have you heard the word yoga? It’s really very fun. It was started in India and means we are all one.”

Before I had even finished that last sentence, the little Indian girl blurted out, “Yoga is from India?!”

“Why, yes!” I responded.

“I didn’t know yoga was from India! That is where I was born!” She exclaimed with a burst of pride and a dimple-filled grin from ear to ear.

“Yes, sweetheart,” I practically squealed back with her infectious delight. “Yoga came from people who look just like you.”

There was a stir in the classroom from the other students and a few surprised stares, too.

“I never knew that,” she continued beaming. “My father didn’t tell me!”

“Well, where did you think it came from, my sweet?” I inquired.

“Uh, from America?”

Oh, what truth comes from the innocent mouth of babes.

A little uneasy, I went on to fill in the glaringly absent details that I neglected to convey more powerfully until this moment about yoga being a more than 2,000-year-old practice, and that we are all so lucky that East Indian people have generously shared yoga with us: a tool that brings us peace, health, and the ability to focus and connect more fully to ourselves and all around us.

I shared how new yoga actually is to America, though the people here who’ve seemed to take ownership of it are not its creators, nor its greatest experts. “We may have to go to the land of India to learn it best,” I boldly claimed, and realized the truth of this statement just as it exited my lips.

Still, the beauty and spontaneity of this teachable moment and its horror hit me all at once.

How is it that this little brown baby, who comes from India and lives in a neighborhood filled with yoga teacher moms and yoga studios, had no prior knowledge about the fact that these rich and empowering practices that we do together every week come from her people? (I later found out from her teacher that she and her brother were adopted from India.) How often in the past have I and other yoga teachers bypassed the honoring of the roots of and paying respect to this rich tradition and the people from which it comes?

The limitations and bias in yoga curriculums for kids.

When I’ve had the privilege of working as the yoga specialist in a school, whether I wrote my own curriculum, or was assigned an extended duration of the school year to teach my own yoga program, I made certain to dive into content on India as yoga’s birthplace.

But in recent years, much of my school teaching is sourced from other organizations and their curriculums, and I have not been consistent in teaching my unit on India that I once taught with splendor.

Moreover, in a thoughtful push to secularize yoga in schools in the spirit of respecting all students’ and their families’ religious and nonreligious beliefs, the removal of Sanskrit (and thereby its frequent references to Hindu deities) has had the adverse effect of eliminating the most obvious nod to the grand Indian heritage from which yoga comes.

Such a terrible loss, but is it perhaps a necessary one? I am not so certain because this cultural appropriation, this whitewashing of all things yoga is not okay, and especially not for our vulnerable black and brown kids.

Representation creates perception.

I saw it in my student’s face that day, and I observe it in the way she now grabs a mat up front and center for every yoga class, always eager, smiling, and fully engaged in every lesson.

How many children—and humans in general—have been robbed of this kind of enthusiastic connection to a world around them because we only tell a single story: that whiteness is supreme, and white people are responsible for everything noteworthy or great?

Were you to Google yoga right now, the image results are absurd when you note that the word “yoga” actually means union. You would likely see images of skinny white women in contorted physical shapes, dressed in nothing but a bathing suit, expensive “athleisure” clothing, or in some cases, nude.

The mechanism that drives this perception of yoga affects every perception we have. Evidently, even the most sourced and “trustworthy” internet search engines of the world are biased in favor of whiteness and everything white. Wondering why there are no great stock photos of an Indian girl in a Western school classroom doing yoga in this blog post? When I Google “yoga” or even “kid’s yoga,” it is practically impossible to see any children, adolescents, or adult students or teachers of color—without changing the key words to “black yogis” or “Latino yoga,” despite the fact that there are plenty who exist.

At the Cobble Hill school during that same week in another classroom, as I was setting up before yoga class started, to my surprise, one of the four African American students among the classes I teach ran up and hugged me when she saw me.

She looked me in the eyes, smiled, and said, “You look like me!”

I looked right back at her and we shared a moment of truly being seen. I nearly teared up as I hugged her back and said, “I know baby! I am so glad you noticed because you are beautiful.”

I am so grateful today to be reminded that living in a black body and teaching this brown yoga tradition is in and of itself a radical altering of that singular story about who contemporary yoga belongs to. The truth of yoga’s expansion into the modern world asserts that yoga belongs to all of us. But we—as yoga service educators—must do better about honoring yoga’s history and roots.

The time is overdue for us to share the more complete, diverse, and fascinating story of yoga’s evolution from East to West.

Read Original Post Here

I hope this helps you understand a little more about Yoga, it’s fascinating history, and the fact that there’s no “one person” that Yoga is for – because it’s for every one!

Write to me at hello@bizzyyogi.com if you have an opinion on the Yoga sterotypes and breaking through that barrier. I read all my emails!

If there’s a topic you’d like me to cover OR you have a question, submit it at www.BizzyYogi.com/Questions and I will take care of you.