Want to keep motivated?
This is exactly what we will cover today because it sometimes feels daunting to always be moving in a direction… motivation sometimes just isn’t there right? And when shit hits the fan, how do you stay motivated?
I am excited and motivated about getting back to my blogging.
So many shifts in my life that kept me from stepping back into my zone of magic and one of those was actually not finding motivation.
This is all about motivation today. The 5 tips to keep yourself going.
How to keep moving forward when you just feel like you can’t
Well what if I told you one of the easiest ways is to actually stop sometimes.
I have an awesome chat group with some fellow master minders and today’s chat was all about being lazy.
Why is being lazy so important to keep you motivated?
You become an efficient and effective producer. These are 2 very different concepts by the way. Being efficient isn’t always being effective, so put the 2 together and you are an accomplishment machine!
Procrastinate! In my online course I teach all about using tools to be an effective procrastinator. Now this doesn’t mean waiting until the last minute and getting all stressed out about it. It means using the essence of it and setting a deadline!
Community. Being motivated when you are alone sometimes is so hard. This morning I even woke up with sadness and frustration and 1st thing I did (after letting myself wallow for a few minutes) was call a friend. And the result is we are setting some time apart to work together and get some shit done.
Set boundaries on what you invest in. I should also say who. By creating a NO answer you curate time for yourself to focus on what makes you happy. You stop moving your energy horizontally and move in deeper into your self and your goals.
Be the clever self you are. Give yourself a pat on the back and say thank you for being clever and discerning. In Sanskrit buddhi, which means intellect, holds discernment as a quality that refers to the higher mind This is the observer that watches how our inner world works and makes decisions of what’s important (or not important.
Let me tell you a story of how my client chose to motivate vs give up.
I’m sitting helping my client create her training manual and sales page for her training she’s putting out. I suddenly see the smile disappear from her face.
She looks up and says I can’t do this.
I see the frustration in her eyes.
I know this feeling because I have been there many times.
What happens I say if you don’t do this training? What happens if you actually launch it and it’s successful?
Sometimes being an entrepreneur and a self starter gets really really hard. It’s not always easy.
But you know what her answer was… “If I don’t do this then the people who would take my training wouldn’t get this new modality to teach”
And then what if they don’t?
“Then students won’t get to take my awesome classes all over the city… AND I’ve disappointed myself with ALL the hard work I’ve already put in”.
Close your eyes and picture 1 thing that motivates you!
Let that be your one thing. Your one reason for not stopping. It can be completely self-less or maybe a bit self-fish. And that’s OK!
Paying off your credit card debt is what motivates you… perfect.
Going on a vacation for the 1st time in 3 years is your motivation… perfect.
Donating to save the elephants is your driver… perfect.
And always don’t forget to meditate as whether it’s anger, frustration, fear or all the other things, meditation will keep you grounded. 🙂